privacy statement

Data protection and terms of use

By using the website, you accept the following terms and conditions, regardless of whether you have read them or not. Ignorance of the terms of use does not exempt anyone from responsibility, it cannot be the basis of any reference if you have violated them and as a result the website and/or its operator incurs any kind of damage or disadvantage. In this case, the matter can be resolved through legal means.


The entire website is an intellectual product of Gregzi Kft., it is under copyright protection, the information and data found on the site can only be used, saved and printed for personal use. Copying, duplicating, processing and processing for any purpose, commercialization, exploitation or other use other than for personal use of the website or a part of it is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to the website or part of it in accordance with Act II of 1986 on the press. the use by the press defined by law for the purpose of public communication of the press product according to the same law. Unauthorized use entails criminal and civil legal consequences. The photos, images, videos on the website and their arrangement are the exclusive property or exclusive use of the website operator, which are also protected by copyright, they can only be used and saved for personal use. and can be printed. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, process and rework the photos, images, and videos on the website for any purpose, commercialize them, exploit them, or use them for other purposes other than your own. The photos, images, and videos on the website are not subject to this prohibition in accordance with Act II of 1986 on the press. the use by the press defined by law for the purpose of public communication of the press product according to the same law. Unauthorized use entails criminal and civil legal consequences. The domain name is under copyright protection, and only Gregzi Kft., which operates the website, is entitled to use it. The use of the content on the portal always requires the prior written consent of the site operator.


Without the prior written permission of the operator, it is forbidden to insert the pages of, or part thereof, into other websites, as if displaying it as one's own page. In all such cases, the operator is entitled to take action against this and, among other things, to demand compensation for the resulting damage or the termination of the unlawful state.

Data controller

The controller of the data is Gregzi Kft.
Headquarters/mailing address: 3200 Gyöngyös, Csokonai Vitéz Mihály utca 2.;
Tax number: 32210923-2-10​​
Company registration number: 10-09-039973

Scope of processed data and stakeholders

When visiting the website, the visitor receives a session ID anonymously, with which Google Analytics records the start and end time of the visit, as well as the pages visited, for statistical purposes, independently of personal data. All new visitors are informed about this practice when they first download the page.

The data provided for the purposes specified in the next point are processed with the voluntary consent of the user. The data controller assumes no responsibility for the inaccuracy or untruthfulness of the data provided by the user.

Purpose of data management

The purpose of processing personal data

- contact with the user;
- identification of the user, distinguishing him from other users;
- testing and measuring user satisfaction;

The purpose of using anonymous session IDs and cookies used by Google Analytics is statistical. During registration, the user voluntarily consents to the data manager using the type of data mentioned in point 2 in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Notice. The data controller treats the provided data confidentially.

The data management period

The duration of the cookies created by Google Analytics is 30 days, the session IDs are automatically deleted when you leave the page. The data provided by the user will be deleted by the data controller within 10 working days upon the written initiative of the user. This request can be reported at the e-mail address

Scope of data processors

User data can only be accessed by employees of the data controller, and cannot be disclosed to third parties.

Apart from the above-mentioned cases, the data controller only transmits the user's data to the requesting authority out of legal obligation, if the referred authority has the appropriate legal basis.

The legal basis of the data management policy and the user's rights

The data is processed on the basis of the user's approval. The user can request additional information about the data managed by the data controller and the way it is handled at the e-mail address in addition to the content of this Privacy Notice. The data provided by the user will be deleted by the data controller within 10 working days upon the written initiative of the user. This request can be reported at the e-mail address

The partner and technology that operates the website

A website is hosted on the servers of
Framer B.V.
Attn: Compliance Officer
Singel 258
1016 AB, Amsterdam
The Netherlands, which is backed up for data security.

Remedies and Applicable Laws

If the user feels that the data controller is not handling the personal data as specified here or in accordance with the law in force, he can assert his rights with the data protection commissioner or in a civil court, and he can also apply to the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority.

The user can find information about the obligations related to data protection in the following laws:
Law LXIII of 1992 on the protection of personal data and the disclosure of data of public interest;
Law VI of 1998 on the protection of individuals during the machine processing of personal data;
Law CXII of 2011 on the right to information self-determination and freedom of information

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